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Sheikha Maryam Kabeer

Sheikha Maryam Kabeer headsho

Sheikha Maryam was born in a liberal Jewish family in Hollywood, California. She was an actress at the age of five and was acting in a Theatre Company when she was twelve years old, when she was given a painted scroll of an ancient wanderer, upon which were inscribed the words: “Seek and The Truth Shall Make You Free.” This message galvanized her soul and determined the course of her life. In search of the liberating truth, she was led to live in India and Nepal, and in monasteries in Europe and then guided to embrace Islam at the hands of an ancient Sufi Master a few minutes away from the tomb of the Prophet Abraham (a.s.).

She then was guided to study intensively with Sufi Masters around the world, with Sheikh Bawa Muhaiyadeen (ra) in Sri Lanka and Philadelphia, with Sheikh Abdoulaye Dieye (ra) and Sheikj Aly N’Daw in Senegal and the US and with Sheikh Harun Faye in Senegal and the US. She has received the permission to teach in the Muridiyyah and Mustafawiyyah Tariqahs. The permission to teach (ijaza) is , in reality, the responsibility to serve and to share. Thus, through her years of traveling on the spiritual journey, has she discovered and transmitted the ever deepening experience of ibadat: the love, worship, and service of our Beloved Lord.