The Spiritual Journey

the seeker

Seek and the Truth will Set You Free

On the road that leads to the Beloved
Every stone is made of gold.
Every step we take brings knowledge to us. Even what appears to be a mistake, or an error, Can bring us closer to purity and truth.

Every good intention, thought and action Guides the soul toward the Goal.

Every true word that is heard,
Every understanding received,
Every challenge met,
Every station, by God’s Grace, attained Leads the traveler

Through the labyrinth of steps and tests surely, to the One, Who has left, at every turn in the Road,
Signs of His Existence,
Clear signs showing the Way

That leads to Him.

Not only do our successes show us the way,
But even more deeply, our apparent failures—
Those moments in our journey
When we are most deeply humbled
And realize our limitations,
Realizing that every step we take
Is not due to our own power or will
But occurs by the Grace of God.
The journey that leads to the Beloved is guided by His Love. The traveler is like a leaf
Blown in the wind of the Divine Will.
I was blown from one place to the next
Then, carried to another place, and on and on.

Thus, was I guided, without doubt, and witnessed on every mountain path and in every valley, in every city, on every street,